CMF Sustainability-Environment


Carolina Morning Firewood has a vested interest in supporting Sustainable and Environmentally friendly practices. Our business depends on satisfied customers, which in turn depends upon access to a sufficient supply of high quality hardwoods we need to create high quality firewood.

Our business practices and some facts about firewood production and usage that are friendly to the environment and in sustaining our business.

  • We do not use tree service trees or other one-off entities that have logs. This is because many of these types of trees are either of the wrong species, were felled because of extensive rot or insect damage or of the wrong size for our use to make high quality firewood.
  • The remaining 5 to 10% is used to make starting material, or is sold for other uses – nothing is wasted.
  • The firewood splitting process captures 90 to 95% of the wood as split firewood.
  • We only use logs cut by licensed timber companies.
  • Forestry products are the largest cash crop raised in South Carolina.
  • Carolina Morning Firewood is a member of the South Carolina Forestry Association (SCFA) who’s Vision is to maintain “sustainable forests that provide social, economic, and environmental benefits.”
  • We use every part of the tree length logs that we purchase.
  • However, we do take such trees free of charge from selected tree service companies that we will use in fueling our kilns. This relieves the tree service company from putting such trees in landfills or elsewhere.

What is the environmental impact of burning wood in your home?

  • Believe it or not, burning firewood in your home is friendly to the environment and climate change. 
  • The heat content of firewood, especially Kiln Dried Firewood, is higher than most fossil fuels.
  • When a tree grows, it absorbs carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary gas affecting climate change. When a tree dies, it releases the CO2 it contains back into the atmosphere. Likewise, when a tree is burned as firewood, or when the wood waste is burned in our kilns, it releases the same CO2 as if the tree had died, and all trees die, replaced with new trees in our forests. This is why many countries, especially in Europe, provide large tax incentives to power companies to use wood rather than fossil fuels in power generation – because it is sustainable (regenerating) and climate friendly.